escapade, dying to please.
she had him by his nose hairs.
he screamed like a baby.

he had her by her short hairs.
she wouldn't let him let go.
do not pass go.

to purge or not to purge.
either something she said,
or something she said he said.
do not pass go.

to be taken in small doses.
she's back on open market now.
he just couldn't relate.
do not pass go.

she left him dangling.
maybe later, he said.
there is not later, she said.
do not pass go. 

well, I tried. tried to quit writing.
I mean, come on, folks, everybody,
anybody and all their friends,
and enemies, write.
so why not I, I asked myself.
and, myself, being the person myself is,
said: screw it! write!
 write til you head falls off.
or she kicks you out.
whichever comes first or second.,
or second to last. 


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