
Showing posts from March, 2018


melancholy weighs  the body mellow. lean, green, mellow machine. fantastic dance team routine. vivid array of color schemes.  garb your partner; around and around we go. vivid, alive, ecstasy in swirling snow globe.  some sort of dysfunctional situation. white-washing plausible deniability. death is silence; nothing deniable about that. old reckless horse whacker playing insanity defense. some fat jerk with pudding fetish. no politics implied, unless...... no, just leave it alone, this time. preaching performance quality. in another life: performance anxiety.  making sport of raw onion eating contests. sport for those with brains size of a pea.  let us now talk indigestion. forget about sex; that ain't happening; maybe for that horse whacker.  bureaucratic promises; passion killers. oh, no! not more politics trashing! it is what it is.  have this flagging need, ...


woolly-headed dreamers meandering down memory lane soft murmuring in still evening breeze soft setting sunlight aglow  lovers walking hand in hand dressed to the nines. plus ten in other wizened venues; flushed with new undertakings of old worn values, views. not anticipating cross purposes, or anger management flowing pompous, waking hocus-pocus riding canoe of indiscriminate rivers of red plus blue. and mounted on dead awareness; a horse if fifth and final race. blatant review raging against mainstream ventures. in step benevolent, still considerate, even after flunky squirrel ate his nuts for supper. benevolent certainly took it well. made some think: didn't need his nuts, actually happy to be rid of them, even. go figure..... living is hard. if not, maybe we ain't living.  viciousness of pack mentality kick in some ragging gossip no good comes of this ugliness and distorted views ...


so, got away with murder, and now thinking  as a professional would think, looking around for  next intended victim. and dregs of dreams, and those insidious  nightmares becoming, oh so seriously real. with string tied firmly around there out of four fingers; not remembering what any of those strings represent, as confusion screws up brain cells. and policeman said: look under that rock. and under that rock: a cold bill of health. cold and, oh, so lonely. and policeman said: leave that rock alone and policeman promptly went home, all alone. summer escapes so quickly: so suddenly gone.  turn a corner and  have comes fall, closely followed by winter. agony for some and joy for others.  strikingly beautiful and it is this beauty strikes down innocents creates madness where sanity once stood standing strong now weak beyond measures beyond hope  In ...


significance of a well designed fart, at just the right time, at just the right place for best possible overall effect on those poor lowly masses standing in long lines at Walmart check-out. who among us would do such a dastardly thing? well, I certainly would not. well, door not completely closed on that decision.  not to become maudlin, but corncobs rising up? what good could come of this? blame the pigs for eating all the corn off all those cobs, causing this revolting episode  of corncobs rising up and above their status in pigs maudlin lives. hearing him prattling on and one; some folks fell asleep. some cursed and groaned. some simple up and walked, searching for nearest bar. won't mention who him is, or this prestigious event where all that prattling kept going on and on. suffice it to say: these events continue on and on most every day.


scattered thoughts; jumping, leaping, roaming. cannot hold tight a thought. thoughts circling. and, then, finally, crashing. now thoughtless. one should carry their own guilt, and not the guilt of others. unless one has large pockets, a bigger heart, and loves pain. lots of pain. ping-pong, ping-pong. the door was ajar. the jar was a door. this won'get very far without knowing more. and door and jar becoming friends.  sound of laughter; tantalizing. refreshing from mundane. a rejoicing with wings. boom!  just.....boom!


have become neurotic. everything to me is a poem. cannot stop writing poems. book in left hand, pen in other. obsessively hungry. just one more poem. there are worse things, of this am quite sure. even breathing, now becomes a poem. breathing show and  steady I go. empowering, saddening  all in same moment heavy breathing this strangeness becoming partners in Netherlands partners in crime arrest apparent, imminent laugh until cry, cry indeed we must keep in mind: one's sacred is another's hatred. because, because, because. because is optional, always. at least till day of dawning.  just because..........


cremated poems take on a certain glow; finally becoming drab, dark. ashes to ashes and all that. and a poet catching necrophilia on the rebound. and then there are days just like this, where poet writes like it is his very last day to do so. and this poet has done so. now poet must take some time off to blow his nose, and take in accout his losses and gains.  do we, then, search of greatness? and then, greatness reject us, what then, does this say of us? does this, then, say we are lost with no chance ever being found? well now, will yah look at that. here comes yesterday;  coming back for another go; just like that, no questions ashed. just coming back, like some dirty little secret, best left hidden. because we know: yesterday is a big gossip. likes spreading dirt; loves stirring up the masses. 


shove a finger up a nose. do not leave there, say, not over second coming. very unsightly, finger up the nose. mertainly an attention grabber. finger up the nose? dare we question why? whom among us evens dare think like this? no, just let be, walk away. ain't your finger. ain't your nose. just walk away, quickly now.  inspiration for this, of course, finger up my nose don't ask why, there is no why.  good reason pigs don't fly. pigs don't have wings. be thankful pigs do not have wings. picture this: pigs have wings; pigs will, then fly. pigs in flight; disaster in waiting. sitting in your favorite bistro; pig comes flying by gets a whiff of that delicious meal  you and your friends are enjoying. comes crashing right thought window. lands, quite happily on your table. wolf's down your entire meal; farts, craps on you plate and flies right out window, in search of next delici...


melancholy sleeps late. always has, probably always will. don't thin too much into it. just the way things is. melancholy to the end. sleep well, sweet melancholy, sleep well. all the time, every time. time well spent, or spent foolishly. but now, time is near end. time is dying;  seriously ill for lack of goodwill; from smiles now fading. and a darkness moving closer. evermore creeping closer; reaching screeching crescendo.  travel itinerary? really? have destination; go there and come back from there. no heaping big surprise. no mystery, no troubles. easy-peasy. well, there it is: our itinerary. oh, sorry; travel itinerary. well now, have done itinerary to death. will move on towards  another word to torture. well, will just wrap this up now; call it a post. it's a post.  what resonates with one, revolts another; pain in yet another's backside. yet all washes out, becoming...