melancholy sleeps late.
always has, probably always will.
don't thin too much into it.
just the way things is.
melancholy to the end.
sleep well, sweet melancholy,
sleep well.
all the time, every time.
time well spent, or spent foolishly.
but now, time is near end.
time is dying; seriously ill
for lack of goodwill;
from smiles now fading.
and a darkness moving closer.
evermore creeping closer;
reaching screeching crescendo.
travel itinerary? really?
have destination;
go there and come back from there.
no heaping big surprise.
no mystery, no troubles.
easy-peasy. well, there it is:
our itinerary. oh, sorry; travel itinerary.
well now, have done itinerary to death.
will move on towards
another word to torture.
well, will just wrap this up now;
call it a post. it's a post.
what resonates with one,
revolts another;
pain in yet another's backside.
yet all washes out,
becoming infamous.
and those resonating,
revolting, give one last
desperate pass of gas
and quietly pass on