a stolid silence.
horrific turn of events, since
silence requires vengeance,
and vengeance and misery,
team players in certain upcoming
attractions not recommended
for youngsters on the vine
with parents out running wild.
discipline, discipline, discipline.
and without discipline, we face
a very likely possibility
anarchy will run wild.
and our liberties will fade
into oblivion.
what will history say of us?
of this generation?
of this century?
ignoring the obvious;
obvious does not like being ignored,
and will happily bite us the rear
just to let us know:
not smart ignoring the obvious, obviously.
can destiny be stopped?
just what is destiny?
a fabrication of lost and found, maybe.
symbolism lost, then found, maybe.
and then, enter in fate
for a circus of profound reasoning
as destiny circles around for
another shot at life favoritism.
the following poem is invisible.
reason for this unusualness
is the fact the poem is much
to controversial for today's
political climate. and the
heretics have forced my hand.
poem here:_____________
sorry for any inconvenience.
no, I'm not sorry;
but you folks may think I am
if that works for you folks.