all about style.
those without it; stay home.
those with style,
style up the ying-yang,
you got it! flaunt it!
flaunt it, baby, flaunt it!

he was all about style.
and he had no style.
which, of course, was his style.
what he had was luck.

luck galore, pouring out
of each of his pores.
good luck, bad luck,
indifferent and pointless luck.

luck pumping through every vein.
if only he had a brain,
he might not have gone
mad raging insane. 

I had luck once, but lost it. 
prodding, poking, fingers apporaching
critical masses places hidden.
warning: fingers may be cold.
but you're warm, aren't you?
oh, this could be fun, for one of us.

The largest snowflake measured 15 inches
across in Fort Keogh, Montana 1887.


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