us folks, us word chasers.
word manipulators.
how this condition starts
is of little consequence.

suffice it to say: it started.
now, dealing with this condition,
most primary; takes center stage.

end results of this is who
and what we are; 
what we have become;
reveals our ending.

one does not stop compulsion;
one learns to live with it,
and not allow it to destroy us. 

with nothing to say;
best to leave nothing unsaid.
tell all your friends.
wish friends had told me. 
woe is me. 

dancing around one's self;
searching for way in,
as pendulum swings;
dancing, dancing, dancing.

there is no way in.
outer shell fool-proof.
rock-hard persona.

dancing, dancing, ain't getting in.
diamond edged saw, drill,
ain't cutout for this job.

ain't nothing breaking 
one's solid outer core.
pack it in, baby, pack it in.

creamy white with options,
with thin, fragile line that
separates good from bad;
up from down and us from them.

to question is to deny.
or an unique psychological
spectrum lying beneath 
a dark, angry sleeping giant

of dispiriting dept.
but oblivion, just as quickly
and easily, moves in to
erase any willfulness to succeed.

Urine whitens teeth. 


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