nothing like fresh white powder,
goodly amount of snow,
freshening up an otherwise
dreary drab winter's day.
and clean dusty air.
have been doing dumb
long enough to know
just how dumb is done.
and am doing dumb
just as dumb should be,
wants to be done.
and now thinking of starting
a club for those doing dumb.
two thumbs up for dumb.
and a shopping we will go; hippy-hop, ho, ho, ho.
just the facts, ma'am.
later we will discuss
all those frivolous dos and don'ts
and senselessness
shoving a finger up one's nose.
just a reminder, ma'am;
facts only from this point on.
facts of life; ways and means
and many other
wonderful things, places,
where and when.
just the facts, ma'am.
those imbeciles have
concocted another concoction,
whereby feathers flutter,
haplessly reaching outer limits
whereby commonsense and
peanuts clash badly with
peanuts taking advantage
of a quick break, overcoming
those flighty feathers and
commonsense at starting gate,
with chance of ever catching up
with those imbeciles in the know.
dreamt I was swimming;
woke up all wet.
dreamt I was running;
woke up covered in sweat.
dreamt I was dreaming;
woke up screaming.
dreamt I got married;
woke up dead broke.