an egregious manner of speaking,
eloquence implied, but
limited to the here and now.

a certain mystique enters later;
stage left and right on cue;
save for minority views.

we have had gerenerations
upon generations to get it right,

and we have not done so.
does not speak well of us, does it? 
and another generations approaches. 

when ball in one's court,
one should do something
with that ball, or go home,
become spectator. 

here comes the ball;
are you ready?

road-kill carcass
edge of roadway
crows feasting

President Harry Truman once said:
if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. 

nose pickers, unite!
it is our right,
nose pickers and blowers,
to pick our nose, blow
our nose, wherever
the hell we feel like doing it.

at mall, at Walmart,
and where a need arise;
even without a need.
we need feel free to pick,
blow anywhere, anytime
without some do-gooder interfering.

don't need some good manners 
human getting in our face.
nose pickers, unite, now!


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