"when hell freezes over"
was a popular phrase
when phrases were all the rage.

back in the day when
boredom ruled the day,
and drunk ruled the night.

and madness stole the light,
teaching death how to fight.

a very distinct distinction
between stink and sink disposals,
and all that stink sink disposals radiate;

seeping stink throughout entire house.
stink strong enough to kill a mouse.
now we're talking real, big-time stink.

once, a very long time ago,
a fox killed a rabbit, and
then ate the rabbit.

but that was a long time ago
and has no bearing on what
that fox is doing today.

or will do tomorrow, for that matter.
not that it matters; of course not.
just one of those things.

actually, fox is retired now,
living on fairy tales and welfare;
chasing rabbits in its dreams. 

have never chased rabbits in my dreams.
have you?

wish I had something really profound
to put in this space, but I do not.
profanity, yes, but that would be rude. 


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