an amateur is only an amateur
until not so much so.
usually only takes a bath and
some new threads for a
complete amateur makeover. 
making an amateur into
something worthy breathing air.
something close to human, anyways.

all keyed up with no fitting lock.
well now, does that just suck, or what?
okie-dookie then, moving right along:
but one should not generalize, should one?

supposing enough mercy still remains,
giving us all a little piece.
hey, stranger things happen
because of folks like those
that know and grow wings,
flopping in a winter's wind.

folks needing witness protection,
mainly from themselves. 

time has no eraser,
nor a conscious,
nor anything of real value,

as far as that goes and gone
time is as simple as simple gets,
without getting out of bed
with no tricks to reveal. 

and we are prisoners of time
and time knows and excepts
and makes no promises to relinquish 
control over humanity and time soon. 

accentuate the positive 
leave go the negative
positive leads a brighter way
each and every way everyday.


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