plead the fifth;
make 'em work for it.
give 'em nothing.
make 'em sweat.
do it to them
before them do it to you.
this is good advice.
you should take it,
or not.
one of us is insane.
think its her,
but it could be me.
time will tell.
time will sort this out,
or not.
who is that masked man?
will he be staying for supper?
probably not.
when he was young,
he molested chickens
on his way to school.
I queried why?
he hit me with a molested
I queried why a chicken?
he hit me with his fist.
no more questions.
he dropped out of school.
truth be told:
he was kicked out for
molesting chickens
on his way to school.
now he's a serial killer.
no, he's not.
he's a psychiatrist, and
still molests chickens.
we all need a hobby, he said.
he should know, after all,
he's a psychiatrist.
I'm a serial killer of
molested chickens.
a hobby, of course.
excuse me now. need to fart, and
not allowed to fart in this room.
have another room set aside for farting.
must go there now, and quickly,
as not to get on anyone's bad side
in this room of dreaded gloom.
there are rules, then there are
extenuating factors having
nothing to do with rules;
as some old blues singer
sings us over the moon
in early month of June;
in a room full of colored
balloons where once held
a room full of buffoons
filed to rim with booze
singing off colored tunes
bordering on porn.
ferocious walking emotional
terminal case of thinking
overly much.
thoughts forming on edge of
lost and found.
what constitutes a win is a win;
and most certainly will
remain so, at least until
skinny man takes out
the garbage; taking
along win with it.
initiate the impossible
for a new awaking wake up.
genius went to crap and
has not been seen since;
but smell persists ripe and
but if wishes were farts,
we'd all be plum full,
leaking from all points
of interest.
excretion point towards
human port of entry.
more psychobabble when
those gibberish speaking
off the wall conformists
revise their gibberish,
favoring psychobabble.
speaking ways and means;
sort of like being reborn,
but not quite so much so
to cause any great concern
to either those living
or dead.
expecting a visit from
dementia at any time
and place, probably
right around bedtime.