have misplaced my name, my train, my brain. have found my name and train, but not my brain. which goes to prove; brains are not all that important in the greater scheme of things. plus the fact: I'll never again have headaches. toot, toot! under suspicion of writing poetry without good sense needed for such a fine task. suck it up, you wannabe poet. find some honest work requiring brawn and not pen. muscle and not brain. tout the bale, swing that hammer. no freeloading here, wannabee. bite me, she said. he did. she liked it. so he bit her, again and again, and again, producing such an outlandish grin. raging hormones, responsible for a bear raping a tree stump. now we have little tree stumps growing up with teeth and claws. nasty little critters. would have written: nasty little bastards, but never know who or what stops by here for a peek see.