schmoozers unite;
affirmative action required.
assassinate that sucker!
anarchist riding high waves
of disillusionment.

is hope dead? if so, how?
who, what killed hope?

crazy like a bag of weasels.
nothing knows crazy
like foxes know crazy.

anyone not crazy, or
not having been crazy,
cannot truly appreciate
what real crazy is.

been there. done it.
let me tell yah, ain't 
nothing like being
at least a little crazy;

makes a person wiser,
if not any smarter. 

okay, then, good we've had
this little session together.
later we'll discuss insanity.

now know this:
insanity and crazy are two
completely different animals. 
absolutely insane trying to
combine these two together,
into tight togetherness. 

frugal side of Monday.
nowhere to go with this,
other than forward into Tuesday.

by Friday, all kinks worked out;
party over weekend;
start all over  next frugal Monday.

reunion of happy campers
notwithstanding, but standing pat.
just more time spent for naught.
spare us those platitudes, please. 

now, have worked frugal to death.
no more to be said of frugal.
bury frugal and move on.

well, what word to kill next?
how about esophagus? 
no, let esophagus die a natural causes.

esophagus has no place in poetry,
and will not be presented here.
later we'll discuss red underwear
as a party favorite. 

bordering on mad and crazy.
with option left open for
nut filled fruitcake
leftover from holidays eons ago.
with all possible fancy

trimmings anyone could
every hope for.
especially those with meandering
anxious foot syndrome;
a long was from home. 


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