
Showing posts from February, 2018


talent seeks talent. as simple as that is, so damned hard to follow. fate sucks. insecurity is a heavy thing. weighs a body down, down. footprints indubitable. mental disparity, unrelenting. and stress comes crashing down, down. faint white scars; all that remains of then. now, more blood must flow. ding dong, ding dong. losing one's mind, not all that difficult. difficulty comes into play, retrieving one's lost mind. rats are hungry, now. what was good for the goose, killed the gander. much the same with humans. rats have been fed, now.  well, two posts today. so? does this mean we are  no longer friends? 


escapade, dying to please. she had him by his nose hairs. he screamed like a baby. he had her by her short hairs. she wouldn't let him let go. do not pass go. to purge or not to purge. either something she said, or something she said he said. do not pass go. to be taken in small doses. she's back on open market now. he just couldn't relate. do not pass go. she left him dangling. maybe later, he said. there is not later, she said. do not pass go.  well, I tried. tried to quit writing. I mean, come on, folks, everybody, anybody and all their friends, and enemies, write. so why not I, I asked myself. and, myself, being the person myself is, said: screw it! write!  write til you head falls off. or she kicks you out. whichever comes first or second., or second to last. 


then life spirals out of control. evidentiary, methinks. communications with dark-side.  no pride! no pride! moving right along; accepting frailties and moving on. on and on and on. limitations causing great stress, no to mention unrest. wife spanking as new Olympic event. how could this possibly go wrong? me in trouble, methinks. possible beating heading my way. Charles Bukowski told us: "Love is a dog from hell." remains open for debate, while spanking wife. no, she doesn't read this. wouldn't being doing this if she did. come on! am not suicidal! besides, she enjoys a good spanking now and again. but not from me. who? hell, I don't know.


wallowing in self-absorption. situation comedy with twist. serious lack of concentration may lead towards self-pity. jury still out; guilty of messing up a real good thing. for a change of pace, will pursue husband spanking. no symbolism implied or suggestion. but day still young, so who know? might be on to something here. the sea was rough. then the sea was not. seas was asleep. then sea woke up, and got rough again. and that, friends, neighbors and alligators, is sum total what sea is,  or always has ever been about.  never understood why folks find social media so appealing; laying their lives wide-open for all the world to see.  the arts, yes, understandable, but personal business? a bit antsy about ants. qualms over little things. little crawly things gets adrenaline pumping and feet fast running. running now, am running. bugs everywhere! run, run, run! crawly things have righ...


flank speed; right, left, circle. circling now, am circling. and her come frugal, again. chasing after frugality, again, with prejudice in close pursuit.  motives quite unclear, my dear. save for a pie in the face, for whatever that should entail. maybe some slapstick routine once thought dead and gone. perhaps making comeback, in these days of uncertain times. so be it, then. go in peace. almost making sense, with option left open, flush whenever deemed appropriate. suspicions aside; at this point. pointless sometime later. far too many unknowns. do not pass go. less and less inclined, take face and face value. disorder in the making. tainted love. jokes on you, friend. he's been dating a mannequin, didn't work out; terrible lay.  torment of the mind bong..........


just another of those magic moments, that is not really magic because there is not magic. but if there were magic, that magic moment would have been, indeed magic, but mot magic. sort of like that, but without magic. no, did not hurt writing this. are you disappointed? I am, a little. but I believe in magic, so... now that we've reached point of no return, decisions need be made. ain't no turning back; that's a done deal. we burned all our bridges. and lost all our builders somewhere along the way. should have been little more concerned with work, little less about play. where does one turn with no going back  and no path ahead? on a windy day a child's ballon drifting away


impeccable maintenance; that billion buck look. looking back, fool is what it was. but legal, so..... stupid is not illegal. anyone may be stupid without threat of arrest.  at least no yet. probably should be. probably will be, but not yest, anyways. you call this writing, you, you, you? well, yeah, so? not to scrutinize, but if shoe fits. certain symbolism, not impied but if shot fits.... without breaking stride and stripped-bare of emotion exhaustion taking hold thought of attack fading drifting clouds parting revealing sunshine, at last day holds promise, after all have a lawyer on standby; one never knows. 


self-pity; not becoming tears a person down side-effect of depression along with many other serious mental problems accomplishes nothing good or substantial  sheer willpower overcoming gaining self control reaching down deep stand-up and be counted accountable  a new day dawning personally have lived this. and living this. trashing around unable to rest grueling day turning into a grueling night goodnight, sleep tight don't let bedbugs bite feeling lethargic, daydreaming floating above, beyond destination over the moon won't be coming back down anytime soon manipulators, unite!


herd of raging elephants. now picture this: you are standing dead center in front of these raging, stampeding elephants and no way avoiding this looming catastrophe. well, was nice knowing you.  epic proportions of poetry poetry everywhere, anywhere. growing bigger by the minute. let us not names, places, ways and means. to do so would take  far too much time. time better spent  writing more poems.  and no sense confusing the masses. suffice it to say: we will never run out of poetry.


world has seen us naked and still, world has not kicked us to the curb. which is a good thing, considering no other world would ever except us; naked or not. with our troubling reputation. our history does not speak well of us. not such a sterling history. how to reconcile need for stamina. need of needing how some survive nicely without need while so  many others live their lives needing  life produces, life takes away. life ends; all in circle revolving. yet discussions vary at break-neck speed. a conscience of defeating and we don't crap where we eat. if life teaches anything, it would be we really don't know anything. and we seem perfectly fine with this. close our eyes and breathe, not to sweat what we don't know while four winds blow. 


pathetic excuse for an excuse. perhaps we should clean the air. then, some of us become our own worst enemy. friendships on the sly. doom and gloom are brothers in battle for supremecy for their mother's attention. and guilty as sin on a stick. in the end, end of all things, pure brute force, and its wonderful, so very wonderful. full dynamics of all this comes full force and crashes.  there is no why. soon as we come to terms with this, we'll be halfway to last place we'll ever need be, becoming part of history. what place in history remains to be seen from near and far. depending on which way and why. not to be confused with who did what to who and why. a completely different irrelevant why. did this make you cry? if not, I've failed miserably. 


paranoid is a horse of ill repute. with four legs coming; three legs flowing on by. broke to ride, but dead broke otherwise. a paranoid horse should come as no surprise, between now and sunrise. or otherwise, for that matter. but on a brighter note: my autopsy was successful.  best thing about nothing to say is having everyone waiting with baited breath sitting on edge of their minds complete attention peaked  eagerly anticipating that great flow of words they will never hear. oh dear! used to be a fisherman but life got in the way used to be a hunter but life got in the way used to be something but life got in the way now I'm old and gray life make me this way