Showing posts from September, 2018
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an egregious manner of speaking, eloquence implied, but limited to the here and now. a certain mystique enters later; stage left and right on cue; save for minority views. we have had gerenerations upon generations to get it right, and we have not done so. does not speak well of us, does it? and another generations approaches. when ball in one's court, one should do something with that ball, or go home, become spectator. here comes the ball; are you ready? road-kill carcass edge of roadway crows feasting President Harry Truman once said: if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. nose pickers, unite! it is our right, nose pickers and blowers, to pick our nose, blow our nose, wherever the hell we feel like doing it. at mall, at Walmart, and where a need arise; even without a need. we need feel free to pick, blow anywhere, anytime without some do-gooder interfe...
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all about style. those without it; stay home. those with style, style up the ying-yang, you got it! flaunt it! flaunt it, baby, flaunt it! he was all about style. and he had no style. which, of course, was his style. what he had was luck. luck galore, pouring out of each of his pores. good luck, bad luck, indifferent and pointless luck. luck pumping through every vein. if only he had a brain, he might not have gone mad raging insane. I had luck once, but lost it. prodding, poking, fingers apporaching critical masses places hidden. warning: fingers may be cold. but you're warm, aren't you? oh, this could be fun, for one of us. The largest snowflake measured 15 inches across in Fort Keogh, Montana 1887.
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us folks, us word chasers. word manipulators. how this condition starts is of little consequence. suffice it to say: it started. now, dealing with this condition, most primary; takes center stage. end results of this is who and what we are; what we have become; reveals our ending. one does not stop compulsion; one learns to live with it, and not allow it to destroy us. with nothing to say; best to leave nothing unsaid. tell all your friends. wish friends had told me. woe is me. dancing around one's self; searching for way in, as pendulum swings; dancing, dancing, dancing. there is no way in. outer shell fool-proof. rock-hard persona. dancing, dancing, ain't getting in. diamond edged saw, drill, ain't cutout for this job. ain't nothing breaking one's solid outer core. pack it in, baby, pack it in. creamy white with options, with thin, fragile line that separat...
POST 133
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she's going to come over there, now, and she's gonna spank..... because you deserve a good spanking, don't you? you rascal, you. you renegade womanizer, you. she's gonna spank the womanizing right out of you, you, you pickle headed absolute womanizing fool, you. here she comes now. almost feel sorry for you, but, no. you deserve all she gives you, don't you? you will be sorry, you. real sorry, when she's done spanking the crap out of you. definitely something wrong; right or wrong or something. one of those deja vu things, where smoke rises up; same damned smoke that rose up last time things went to hell and back, and sucked us down that old proverbial rabbit hole. same damned rabbit hole Alice fell in and screwed up her head good and proper, leaving her a mumbling, bumbling rabbit hole catastrophe. and now, Elvis as left the building; and so shall I. been trying to get his autogra...
POST 132
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when an intellect is in conversation with a non-intellect, let non-intellect do the talking; listening is always optional. when one cannot be positive, one should at least be regular; staying constant with the flow; knowing where to let it all go. whisper of our subconscious catching us unaware quiet warning of pending danger casket: ultimate prison; eternity sentence.
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nothing like fresh white powder, goodly amount of snow, freshening up an otherwise dreary drab winter's day. and clean dusty air. have been doing dumb long enough to know just how dumb is done. and am doing dumb just as dumb should be, wants to be done. and now thinking of starting a club for those doing dumb. two thumbs up for dumb. and a shopping we will go; hippy-hop, ho, ho, ho. just the facts, ma'am. later we will discuss all those frivolous dos and don'ts and senselessness shoving a finger up one's nose. just a reminder, ma'am; facts only from this point on. facts of life; ways and means and many other wonderful things, places, where and when. just the facts, ma'am. those imbeciles have concocted another concoction, whereby feathers flutter, haplessly reaching outer limits whereby commonsense and peanuts clash badly with peanuts taking advantage of a quick b...
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there is sadness we see in pork-chops not usually seen in other meats. especially beef, with all its gaiety and willingness, kick up beef heels, becoming one with all meats. and those chickens, so flighty and fluttery, never ever calling home where hens wait for roosters to phone home. mentality of a fruit loop on steroids while passing gas indiscriminately. nowhere to go with this, except from bad to worse. but am quite familiar with worse, so will just go with that. and, as usual, one should stand well back and cover their noses; for sure as hell am about to blow. ho, ho, ho, ho.